Meet Lauren
Hi! I'm Lauren. I'm a highly sensitive person with a passion for working with other highly sensitive people.
Growing up, I felt like a weird kid. I often felt like I didn’t fit in, I felt like my feelings were too big, I felt like I was too quiet, I had extreme reactions to certain sensory input. And up until several years ago, I had no idea why.
That’s when I discovered that I’m a highly sensitive person, also known as an HSP. HSPs often feel as though they don't fit in with others, may have sensory issues with things such as bright lights or certain fabrics, and can be very caring and empathetic-- sometimes at their own expense.
I started googling and researching everything I could find about the trait of high sensitivity, joined Facebook groups for support, and shared the information with my family. I finally felt validated, and I no longer felt alone.
Throughout my experience as a (former) therapist and a coach, as well as through my own personal growth (I have done a lot of work personally when it comes to acknowledging my needs, knowing what I need to do to take care of myself as a highly sensitive person, and feeling okay about putting my needs first so I can be the best version of myself), I’ve realized that HSPs are the people I’m most passionate about working with. I’m excited about my coaching programs and getting to work with people who are ready to level up their self-care and start to love and accept themselves.
Being able to accept myself for who I am, approach myself with compassion, and live the life that I always dreamed about are definitely among my greatest accomplishments at this point in my life.
I live in New Hampshire with my husband, our daughter, our two cats, and many chickens. I love theatre and dance (both performing and spectating), making crafts, and making music.